Greg and Penny Payne are residents of Biloxi and have been lifetime residents of the Mississippi Gulf Coast. A program specialist at Southern Mississippi Planning and Development District, Greg is currently the State Director for the Mississippi Council of SHRM. He is also on the Advisory Board for the Junior Leadership Program of Harrison County. A nationally certified paralegal, Penny works for Walter Dukes of Dukes, Dukes, Keating & Faneca, P.A. She is a graduate of the New Wine program and a former CCD teacher.
As converts, both Greg and Penny found a love for the RCIA Program. They are currently the RCIA Coordinators for Nativity B.V.M. Cathedral Parish. They also serve as Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist, members of the Liturgical and Spiritual Life Committee, and are Ministers of the Sick.
Greg and Penny are volunteers for the Gulf Coast Women’s Center for Non-Violence, the Harrison County Youth Court Children’s Shelter, and are very involved with local political endeavors, as well as other civic and professional organizations.