What is a Sponsor Certificate? All godparents (including Christian Witnesses) other than those from Nativity parish must obtain a certificate/letter from their own parish stating that they are members in good standing and are eligible to act as a godparent/Christian Witness for Baptism. These certificates should be submitted to the Ministry and Operations Manager as soon as possible.
What Does the godparent do at the baptismal ceremony?
The godparents will stand with the parents and publicly acknowledge their commitment to support the child’s parents in raising him/her in the faith. With the parents, they will trace the sign of the cross on the child’s forehead.
During the baptism itself, the godparents will place a hand on the shoulder of the parents symbolizing their support and commitment in their role as Christian godparents.
What if a godparent can’t be present at the baptismal ceremony?
A family member or friend can stand in at the ceremony as a proxy for the absent godparent, but the godparent’s name will appear on the baptismal certificate.